Meet The Roller Team
Meet our beautiful team. This passionate crew of Roller Pole pro's are hosting classes in their home country/town. Get in touch with them directly for workshops or classes. If you are interested in joining the team, see the Instructor Training Course and Mentorship program details here and create your own Roller Pole community in your studio or local community.
For online classes click here

Jodi - Canada
I love the combination of pole and skating. The fluidity of moves and the feeling of literally gliding around the pole. I love learning anything new, and putting skills together to make more advanced combos. But my favourite part is roller pole choreo. I love creating my own for myself, to share with my students, and learning another’s choreo to continue to challenge myself.
Every time I lace up my skates and practice I feel strong and accomplished. I love that it is a different skill. It’s an intense workout, and watching my individual progress as well as the progress of my own students warms my heart.
I think everyone should try roller pole at least once! If you’re a skater, a poler, a dancer, or none of the above. Roller pole is so unique, but such a fun way to move your body!

Bronwyn - Australia
My pole dancing journey began in 2006 and since my very first lesson I knew I was hooked! I have been instructing at our local studio at Coffs Coast Polefit for the past seven years and it brings me so much joy to see our students progress and do things that they never thought possible. The opportunity of combining the two sports that I love over the last few years has been an absolute delight.
Under the amazing guidance of Kylie I have discovered that the creative options are endless and there are just so many ways of discovering new moves and combinations. The extra strength that you naturally gain from roller pole has been an added bonus that not just myself but also many of my students have noticed which in turn has assisted in achieving many of their pole goals.
I am looking forward to growing and evolving my skills alongside my students in this exciting new sport while having a ton of fun which is always a given in roller pole classes!

Christine - USA
Christine (she/her) is a pole dancer and aerial artist based in Champaign, IL, USA. She teaches pole at Defy Gravity, where she began her aerial arts journey in 2016, dabbling on and off in trapeze and pole. As a kid, Christine was a gymnast and dancer, but she took a long hiatus when adulting challenges, like grad school, work and parenting, became all-consuming. She's so glad to have dance and acrobatics back in her life again!
Christine is an aspiring "power poler" who loves challenging herself to learn new strength-based tricks. She's also obsessed with Roller Pole, which fuses roller skating with pole dancing! She's a self-described pole nerd, hungry for knowledge on how to effectively build strength and flexibility while avoiding injury, following the motto "train smarter, not harder."
In 2023, Christine became certified as a PoleStrong Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and is enrolled in Kylie J's Roller Pole instructor training program.

Bron - Australia
Bron is a Sydney based Aerial and Pole instructor who specialises in Lyra ( aerial hoop). She loves the creativity of the lyra and loves going places that others may not necessarily dare, like performing with fans in her toes or in Roller skates. She gets great joy in sharing her passion and is constantly exploring new apparatus. She's a bit of a secret show off and loves performing and competing "her way" Her efforts being rewarded in both local and overseas competitions. Bron is a mad keen Roller Skater and has a growing collection of skates. Roller Skating is her serotonin, her happy place. She loves Roller Dance ( anything with a disco ball really) . She loves the fact that you can skate at any age, Just as you can learn Pole or Aerials. As an instructor she loves sharing new things with her students with a certain softness and a sense of fun.
Career Highlights
2022 - First Place - Miss Lyra NSW Showtime category
2023- Gold Medal - Skybound Limited Qualifiers
2023 - Silver Medal - Aerial Stars - Senior Specialty Apparatus
2023 - Second Runner up - Miss Lyra NSW Showtime Category
2023 - Gold Medal - Skybound Limited Worlds

Devon - USA
​Devin has been poling since 2017, training doubles since 2019 (PSO Northwest "Doubles/Group"2022), she co-teaches an intermediate doubles series, and she began training triples in 2023. Dusting off her inline/ice skating skills from high school, Devin started roller poling during lockdown with online classes from Kylie J. (Australia). Devin likes putting together custom skates optimized for roller pole. She has spent time adapting the movement from her quads to her inlines, as well as her personal favorite type of skate— off-ices! Devin’s style is both innovative and analytical. She loves conceptualizing new tricks. Devin also does pole photography and invented her own pole body grip formula: Peppermint Stick™ by Naughty Side™. Her dance philosophy is that the art form is vast, always growing, and there’s room for everyone to create, express, and find joy.”

Federica - Australia
Federica first stumbled into the magical world of pole in 2020, when she turned up to Kylie J Pole Studio for an Intro to Pole class: it was love at first sight!
From building strength, improving flexibility, learning new tricks and moves, and making lots of friends, there is just so much that Federica enjoys about pole dancing. Just as she thought things couldn't get any more fun, Federica eventually signed up for Rollerpole, and she's never looked back. The dopamine-boost that you get when fully immersing yourself in a flow routine on quad skates is something out of this world, and her only regret is not trying it sooner. She is so excited to share her passion for Rollerpole with her students.
Outside of pole dancing and roller-skating, Federica loves the beach and cycling; she also regularly practises yoga, pilates and barre, being a big believer that physical activity contributes to overall wellbeing and happiness. She is also a qualified TAFE and secondary school teacher, and nothing makes her happier than helping people work toward their goals, and encouraging others to dream big and live fulfilling lives. She can't wait to encourage you and support you along your Rollerpole journey, no matter your level of experience.